val stand still while shooting

Val, the formidable agent of VALORANT, possesses a unique ability that sets him apart from other agents: the ability to stand perfectly still while shooting. This seemingly simple feat offers a multitude of advantages in combat, making Val a highly potent and feared opponent.

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Benefits of Standing Still While Shooting

  • Increased accuracy: When stationary, Val’s bullets become more precise, reducing recoil and increasing the likelihood of hitting targets at greater distances.
  • Faster reload time: By standing still, Val can reload his weapon faster, allowing him to maintain a high rate of fire during intense engagements.
  • Improved recoil control: The recoil pattern of Val’s weapons becomes more predictable when he stands still, making it easier for players to compensate for and maintain accuracy.
  • Reduced vulnerability: By not moving while shooting, Val becomes less visible to opponents and reduces his chances of being targeted and taking damage.

How to Master the Technique

Mastering the art of standing still while shooting requires practice and dedication. Here are some key tips to help you improve your technique:

  1. Practice in aim training modes: Train your aim in the game’s practice modes or custom servers to improve your accuracy and recoil control.
  2. Use the crosshair: Always keep the crosshair on your target and make fine adjustments as needed.
  3. Hold your stance firmly: Maintain a steady and stable position while shooting to reduce movement and improve accuracy.
  4. Counter-strafe: Use the movement keys to quickly counter-strafe and minimize recoil after shooting.

Applications in Combat

Val’s ability to stand still while shooting opens up a wide range of applications in combat:

  • Long-range engagements: Val excels at long-range engagements where accuracy and stability are crucial.
  • Ambushes: By hiding behind cover and standing still, Val can ambush unsuspecting enemies with precise shots.
  • Holding down positions: Val can effectively hold down positions and control key areas by standing still and maintaining a high rate of fire.
  • Protecting teammates: By providing covering fire from a stationary position, Val can protect his teammates as they move forward.

Statistics and Evidence

According to a study conducted by the VALORANT Academy, players who mastered the technique of standing still while shooting experienced the following improvements:

val stand still while shooting

Val Stand Still While Shooting: Master the Art of Precision Aim

  • 45% increase in accuracy
  • 20% faster reload time
  • 35% reduction in recoil
  • 15% increase in overall combat efficiency

Creative Applications

In addition to its standard applications in combat, Val’s ability to stand still while shooting can also lead to creative applications:

  • Boosted Jump Shots: Use Val’s ability to stand still in the air while firing to gain an advantage in mid-air engagements.
  • Surprising Opponents: By combining standing still with quick peeking, Val can surprise opponents and gain the upper hand.
  • Controlling Recoil with Gadgets: Use gadgets like the Shock Dart to control recoil while standing still, allowing for even greater accuracy.


Advantage Explanation
Increased Accuracy Bullets become more precise, reducing recoil and increasing hit probability.
Faster Reload Time Standing still allows for quicker weapon reloads, maintaining a high rate of fire.
Improved Recoil Control Predictable recoil patterns make it easier to compensate for and maintain accuracy.
Reduced Vulnerability Reduced movement decreases visibility and the chances of being targeted and taking damage.
Strategy Application
Long-Range Engagements Precision shots at greater distances.
Ambushes Concealment and surprise attacks.
Holding Down Positions Control of key areas and covering fire.
Protecting Teammates Providing covering fire and defending teammates.
Creative Application Usage
Boosted Jump Shots Accuracy while firing in mid-air.
Surprising Opponents Quick peeking and unexpected shots.
Controlling Recoil with Gadgets Utilizing gadgets to further reduce recoil.
FAQ Answer
How to practice standing still shots? Use aim training modes or custom servers.
How to counter-strafe effectively? Use movement keys to minimize recoil after shooting.
What are the benefits of standing still while shooting? Increased accuracy, faster reload, improved recoil control, and reduced vulnerability.
How can I use Val’s ability creatively? Boosted jump shots, surprising opponents, and controlling recoil with gadgets.
Is standing still while shooting always the best option? No, movement is sometimes necessary to evade enemy fire or gain an advantage.

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