silent hill controls

Prepare yourself for a spine-chilling immersion as you venture into the eerie realm of Silent Hill, where unsettling horrors lurk around every corner. Master the game’s controls to navigate the enigmatic town, uncover its dark secrets, and confront the terrifying creatures that haunt its desolate streets.

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Basic Controls

Movement and Camera Controls

  • Left Analog Stick: Move your character
  • Right Analog Stick: Control the camera
  • Sprint (Hold): L3
  • Toggle Crouch: R3
  • Center Camera: Touchpad

Combat Controls

  • Light Attack: Square
  • Heavy Attack: Triangle
  • Evade: Circle
  • Grab/Use: X
  • Aim/Fire: R1
  • Reload: L1

Inventory and Equipment Management

  • Open Inventory: Triangle
  • Select Item: Left Analog Stick
  • Use Item: X
  • Equip/Unequip Weapon: Square
  • Equip/Unequip Item: Circle
  • Drop Item: R1

Advanced Controls

Stealth Controls

  • Sneak: R1 while crouching
  • Cover: Triangle while near cover
  • Peek Around Corner: Aim and press X
  • Toss Distracting Item: Square while aiming

Puzzle-Solving Controls

  • Examine Object: X
  • Use Item on Object: X
  • Inspect Clue/Note: Triangle
  • Combine Items: Drag one item onto another in the inventory

Table: Controller Configurations

Setting Default Alternative
Movement Sensitivity 5 Adjust to preference
Camera Sensitivity 4 Adjust to preference
Invert X-Axis Off On
Invert Y-Axis Off On
Hold to Sprint On Off
Button Mapping Customizable Customizable

Table: Button Combinations

Action Button Combination
Roll Sprint + Evade
Quick Heal Hold X
Quick Save Hold Select
Drop All Items Hold Triangle + Circle

Table: Game Settings

Setting Default Value Description
Difficulty Normal Choose between Easy, Normal, Hard, and Nightmare
Vibration On Enable/Disable controller vibration
Motion Blur On Add realistic blurring during movement
Subtitles On Display text for dialogue and cutscenes


  1. Can I change the camera angle?
    Yes, use the Right Analog Stick to rotate the camera around your character.

  2. How do I aim and shoot?
    Press R1 to aim and L1 to fire.

    silent hill controls

  3. How do I heal my character?
    Use Health Packs or perform First Aid by holding X.

    Silent Hill Controls: A Comprehensive Guide

  4. Can I drop items I don’t need?
    Yes, hold Triangle + Circle to drop an item.

  5. How do I save my progress?
    Find a typewriter and interact with it to save.

    Basic Controls

  6. What is the best way to sneak past enemies?
    Crouch, use cover, and toss distracting items to avoid detection.

  7. Can I customize the controls?
    Yes, go to the Options menu to remap buttons and adjust settings.

  8. How can I improve my combat skills?
    Use a variety of attacks, dodge and evade enemy attacks, and upgrade your character’s abilities.

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