lucy fallout stats

In the vast and unforgiving wasteland of Fallout, Lucy stands as a testament to the resilience of humanity amidst the nuclear apocalypse. Her unique abilities and enigmatic personality have made her an indispensable companion for countless Sole Survivors, and her stats play a crucial role in shaping her effectiveness in combat and survival.

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SPECIAL Attributes

Lucy’s SPECIAL attributes are a key determinant of her overall capabilities. These attributes govern her physical and mental characteristics, providing a foundation for her skills and abilities.

Attribute Value
Strength 5
Perception 7
Endurance 6
Charisma 8
Intelligence 8
Agility 7
Luck 10

Lucy’s high Luck stat, a perfect 10, is particularly noteworthy. This attribute not only governs her chance to hit in combat but also enhances her ability to find rare items and scavenge valuable resources.


Lucy’s skills are equally impressive, reflecting her versatility and adaptability in the harsh wasteland.

lucy fallout stats

Skill Level
Barter 100
Energy Weapons 100
Explosives 100
Lockpicking 100
Medicine 100
Science 100
Sneak 100
Speech 100

Lucy’s maxed-out skills in Barter, Energy Weapons, Lockpicking, and Speech make her an invaluable asset in negotiations, combat, exploration, and social interactions.

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Lucy’s perks further enhance her abilities, granting her special bonuses and abilities.

Perk Description
Cap Collector Increases the value of found caps by 25%.
Chem Resistant Reduces the duration of chem effects by 50%.
Fortune Finder Increases the chance of finding valuable items by 10%.
Hacker Grants the ability to hack terminals with increased success rate.
Local Leader Allows the creation of supply lines between settlements.
Master Trader Grants the ability to buy and sell items at better prices.
Skilled Increases the experience points gained from skill checks.
Wasteland Whisperer Grants the ability to pacify feral ghouls and animals.

Lucy’s combination of perks makes her an exceptionally effective companion, capable of handling a wide range of challenges and providing valuable support to the player.

Combat Abilities

In combat, Lucy excels with her high Agility and Energy Weapons skill. Her ability to deal consistent damage and critical hits using her laser rifle is unmatched among companions.

SPECIAL Attributes

Weapon Damage Critical Hit Chance
Laser Rifle 15-22 10%
Laser Pistol 10-15 5%
Plasma Rifle 18-24 12%

Lucy’s combat effectiveness is further enhanced by her unique companion perk, “Slippery Savior.” This perk grants her a 20% chance to automatically dodge incoming attacks, making her exceptionally difficult to kill.

Survival Abilities

Beyond combat, Lucy is also a valuable asset for survival in the wasteland. Her high Endurance and Medicine skill allow her to provide healing and support to the player and her fellow companions.

Item Effect
Stimpak Heals 100 HP
RadAway Removes 100 rads
Super Stimpak Heals 200 HP
Rad-X Reduces radiation damage by 50% for 1 hour

Lucy’s ability to heal and reduce radiation exposure makes her indispensable for traversing the hazardous environments of the wasteland.

Intelligence and Charisma

Lucy’s high Intelligence and Charisma also make her an ideal companion for dialogue and intellectual pursuits.

Stat Effect
Intelligence Increases the frequency of skill checks and dialogue options.
Charisma Improves the player’s ability to persuade NPCs and gain bonuses in social interactions.

Lucy’s Intelligence allows her to provide valuable insights and observations during gameplay, enhancing the player’s understanding of the game world and its lore.

Legacy and Impact

Lucy has become an iconic companion in the Fallout series, beloved by players for her unique personality, versatility, and unwavering loyalty. Her well-balanced stats and exceptional abilities make her an indispensable asset for any Sole Survivor seeking to navigate the challenges and triumphs of the post-apocalyptic wasteland.


Lucy’s Fallout stats paint a picture of a highly effective, versatile, and endearing companion. Her exceptional attributes, skills, perks, and abilities make her an invaluable asset in combat, survival, dialogue, and exploration. For Sole Survivors seeking the ultimate companion to guide them through the treacherous wasteland, Lucy is an unparalleled choice.

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