fire red dex


FireRed and LeafGreen, remakes of the classic Pokémon Red and Green versions, were released in 2004 and introduced a new generation of Pokémon trainers to the wonders of Kanto. The FireRed Dex, which contains information on all 151 Pokémon species found in the Kanto region, is an essential resource for any aspiring Pokémon Master.

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Pokémon Habitats

Kanto’s diverse ecosystems support a wide range of Pokémon habitats, including forests, caves, mountains, and seas. These habitats are home to Pokémon of all shapes and sizes, from the tiny Caterpie to the legendary Mewtwo.

Habitat Examples of Pokémon
Forests Pikachu, Charizard, Bulbasaur
Caves Zubat, Geodude, Onix
Mountains Rhyhorn, Golem, Articuno
Seas Magikarp, Starmie, Lapras

Pokémon Types

Each Pokémon species has one or two types, which determine its strengths and weaknesses in battle. There are 17 different Pokémon types, including Normal, Fire, Water, and Grass.

Type Strengths Weaknesses
Normal None Fighting
Fire Grass, Ice Water, Rock
Water Fire, Ground Grass, Electric
Grass Water, Ground Fire, Ice, Flying

Pokémon Evolution

Many Pokémon species have the ability to evolve into more powerful forms. Evolution can be triggered by a variety of factors, including level, friendship, and exposure to certain items.

fire red dex

Fire Red Dex: A Comprehensive Guide to Kanto's Endemic Pokémon

Pokémon Evolution Method
Charmander Charmeleon Level 16
Squirtle Wartortle Level 16
Bulbasaur Ivysaur Level 16

Legendary Pokémon

There are four legendary Pokémon that can be found in FireRed and LeafGreen: Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. These Pokémon are extremely rare and powerful, and catching them is a major challenge for any trainer.

Legendary Pokémon Location Method of Acquisition
Mewtwo Cerulean Cave Defeat in battle
Articuno Seafoam Islands Capture with a Master Ball
Zapdos Power Plant Capture with a Master Ball
Moltres Route 21 Capture with a Master Ball

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips for mastering the FireRed Dex:

  • Talk to NPCs: Many NPCs in FireRed and LeafGreen will give you valuable information about Pokémon habitats and evolution.
  • Explore thoroughly: Leave no stone unturned in your search for Pokémon. Check every nook and cranny, and talk to every NPC you meet.
  • Use the Pokédex: The Pokédex is a great way to track your progress and learn more about the Pokémon you encounter.
  • Be patient: Completing the FireRed Dex takes time and effort. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t find every Pokémon right away.


The FireRed Dex is a comprehensive guide to Kanto’s endemic Pokémon. By using this guide, you can become a master Pokémon trainer and catch all 151 species. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey today!


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