chert outer wilds

In the vast and enigmatic universe of Outer Wilds, chert emerges as an indispensable resource that shapes the very fabric of the game’s world and gameplay. This highly siliceous rock, formed through the precipitation of silica from water, plays a crucial role in both the environment and the protagonist’s exploration.

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The Geological Significance of Chert

Chert is a sedimentary rock commonly found throughout the solar system, including the celestial bodies of Outer Wilds. It forms when silica-rich water seeps into cracks and cavities within rocks or sediments. Over time, the silica precipitates, forming a dense, fine-grained mineral.

Chert in Outer Wilds: Formations and Uses

Within Outer Wilds, chert can be found in various forms and locations:

chert outer wilds

  • Chert Caves: Intricate cave systems, such as those on Dark Bramble and Ember Twin, are often composed of chert. These caves provide shelter and offer unique exploration opportunities.
  • Chert Boulders: Scattered throughout the planets, these large chert boulders can be used as landmarks or obstacles.
  • Chert Artifacts: Ancient artifacts and structures, such as the Sun Station on Giant’s Deep, are made of chert. These artifacts hold clues to the history and mysteries of Outer Wilds.

The Role of Chert in Exploration

Chert’s unique properties make it an essential tool for exploration in Outer Wilds:

Chert: The Versatile and Essential Material of Outer Wilds

  • Durability: Chert is exceptionally hard and resistant to erosion. This durability allows it to withstand the harsh conditions of the game’s environments.
  • Silica Source: Chert is a rich source of silica, which can be used to create glass and other materials. This makes it a valuable resource for crafting and repairs.
  • Heat Resistance: Chert exhibits excellent heat resistance, making it suitable for use in areas with extreme temperatures, such as Ember Twin’s volcano.

Chert’s Impact on Gameplay

Chert’s versatility extends beyond its geological significance. It also plays a pivotal role in gameplay:

  • Puzzle Element: Chert boulders can be moved or manipulated to solve puzzles and unlock new areas.
  • Exploration Aid: Chert caves provide shelter and offer safe havens for the protagonist.
  • Resource Management: Chert artifacts, such as the Sun Station, can be used to manage time and progress through the game’s loop.

Applications and Benefits of Chert

Beyond Outer Wilds, chert has a myriad of applications in engineering, technology, and other fields:

The Geological Significance of Chert

Application Benefit
Abrasives Excellent hardness for grinding and polishing
Construction Materials Durability and resistance to weathering
Silica Glass (Silica Gel) Moisture absorption, packaging, and electronics
Pottery and Ceramics Improves clay strength and durability
Dental Fillings Biocompatible and durable

Tips and Tricks for Using Chert in Outer Wilds

To optimize the use of chert in Outer Wilds, consider the following tips:

  • Identify Chert Formations: Scan the environment for chert caves, boulders, and artifacts.
  • Use Chert to Solve Puzzles: Push, pull, or rearrange chert boulders to clear paths and access new areas.
  • Craft with Chert: Combine chert with other resources to create useful items, such as glass and repair tools.
  • Exploit Heat Resistance: Utilize chert artifacts in areas with extreme temperatures to protect against damage.


Chert is a multifaceted and essential element in the world of Outer Wilds. Its geological significance, practical uses, and impact on gameplay make it an indispensable resource for both exploration and survival. From the grand caves of Dark Bramble to the scorching landscapes of Ember Twin, chert permeates the game’s fabric, offering versatility, resilience, and a glimpse into the enigmatic history of the universe.

Chert Caves:

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