best mualani build

Mualani, the formidable Elemental Shaman in “Legends of Runeterra,” embodies the untamed power of nature’s fury. Unlocking her true potential requires a meticulous understanding of her abilities and synergies. This comprehensive guide unveils the best Mualani build, empowering you with the knowledge and strategies to unleash her elemental might upon your opponents.
Understanding Mualani’s Role
Pain Points:
- Mualani struggles with survivability due to her high mana cost and relatively low health.
- Opponents can easily overwhelm her with quick attacks and elusive units.
- Mualani excels in controlling the board and generating immense value through her elemental synergy.
- Her ability to generate multiple copies of powerful units grants her overwhelming board presence.
Core Build and Strategy
Champion Spells
- Frostbite: Freezes a unit, preventing it from attacking or blocking.
- Slip ‘n Slide: Summons two 3/2 Whirling Dervishes with Overwhelm.
Key Units
- Dawn and Dusk: Generates a powerful 5/5 Overwhelm unit when played.
- Sai Spiritfang: Grants Mualani spellshield and vulnerable, allowing her to protect herself or target an enemy.
- Acuan Shepherd: Summons a 3/3 Shepherd and grants an ally +2/+2.
Support Spells
- Withering Wail: Deals 3 damage to all enemies and heals Mualani by 3.
- Unstable Air: Increases the cost of enemy spells by 1 and grants Mualani spellshield.
Mulligan Strategy
- Mulligan for: Dawn and Dusk, Sai Spiritfang, Withering Wail
- Consider keeping: Acuan Shepherd, Unstable Air
- Early Game: Focus on controlling the board with Frostbite and Slip ‘n Slide. Use Acuan Shepherd to buff your units.
- Mid Game: Play Dawn and Dusk to create a massive threat. Protect Mualani with Sai Spiritfang and Unstable Air.
- Late Game: Generate multiple copies of key units through Mualani’s level-up ability. Overwhelm your opponents with an unstoppable army.
Advanced Build Options
Alternative Units
- Zinneia: Grants Mualani and her allies lifesteal, increasing her survivability.
- Puffcap Peddler: Generates puffcaps that trigger devastating explosions.
Alternative Spells
- Galeforce: Gives elusive to all your units, allowing them to bypass enemy blockers.
- Hextech Rocketbelt: Grants Mualani spellshield, quick attack, and movement speed.
Deck Variants
- Aggro Mualani: Focuses on early aggression and spamming cheap units.
- Control Mualani: Stalls the game with Frostbite and Unstable Air, then overwhelms with late-game threats.
Benefits of the Best Mualani Build
- Unrivaled board control: Mualani’s elemental synergy allows her to summon multiple powerful units, dominating the battlefield.
- Massive value generation: Each elemental unit created provides additional support and value, overwhelming opponents with resources.
- Flexible playstyle: The build offers versatility in adapting to different matchups and strategies.
Mastery of Mualani’s elemental fury requires careful planning and strategic execution. By embracing the best build and understanding her core playstyle, you can unleash her true potential and dominate your opponents with the unrelenting force of nature. Embrace the might of Mualani and become a force to be reckoned with in “Legends of Runeterra.”
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