bean bean castle town side quessts

Embark on an epic adventure through the vibrant town of Bean Bean Castle in the beloved video game series. Discover captivating side quests that will immerse you in the game’s rich lore, challenge your abilities, and reward you with valuable items and experiences. This comprehensive guide will take you through each quest, revealing its objectives, rewards, and strategies for success.

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Helping Hands in Bean Bean Castle

Aid the Lost Travelers

Quest Giver: Wandering Merchant in the Town Square

Problem: Travelers have lost their way in the dense forests outside the town.

Solution: Locate the lost travelers and guide them back to the safety of Bean Bean Castle.

bean bean castle town side quessts

Bean Bean Castle Town Side Quests: A Comprehensive Guide

Reward: 100 Gold Coins, 5 Experience Points

Objective: Locate and escort the lost travelers (x3) to the Town Square.

Helping Hands in Bean Bean Castle

The Potion Master’s Apprentice

Quest Giver: Alchemist in the Potion Shop

Problem: The Potion Master urgently needs an apprentice to gather rare ingredients.

Solution: Assist the Potion Master by collecting specific herbs and reagents from the surrounding areas.

Quest Giver:

Reward: Exclusive Potion Recipe, 50 Gold Coins, 10 Experience Points

Objective: Collect Dragon’s Bane (x5), Moon Willow Bark (x3), Blood Mushroom (x2)

The Innkeeper’s Dilemma

Quest Giver: Innkeeper at the Cozy Inn

Problem: The Innkeeper has run out of ale for the patrons and needs a resupply.

Solution: Venture into the nearby mines and retrieve a keg of ale from the resident goblins.

Reward: Free Room and Board at the Cozy Inn, 75 Gold Coins, 10 Experience Points

Objective: Retrieve the Ale Keg from Goblin Cave (1)

Defending the Realm

Orcish Incursion

Quest Giver: Town Guard Captain

Problem: A group of orcs is raiding the outskirts of the town.

Solution: Engage with the orcish invaders and defeat their forces.

Reward: 150 Gold Coins, 15 Experience Points, Orcish Battleaxe

Objective: Defeat Orcish Warlord (1), Orc Warriors (x5)

Goblin Menace

Quest Giver: Villager in the Residential District

Problem: Goblins are terrorizing the streets, stealing valuables and causing chaos.

Solution: Eliminate the goblin presence by exterminating the nests and their leader.

Reward: 100 Gold Coins, 10 Experience Points, Goblin Pendant

Objective: Destroy Goblin Nests (x3), Defeat Goblin Shaman (1)

The Shadow of the Lich

Quest Giver: Wise Sage in the Library

Problem: An ancient lich has been resurrected and threatens to destroy Bean Bean Castle.

Solution: Journey to the Shadow Keep and confront the lich, vanquishing it before it can wreak havoc.

Reward: Epic Loot, 200 Gold Coins, 20 Experience Points

Objective: Defeat the Lich (1), Destroy the Shadow Keep

Uncovering the Secrets

The Lost Tome of Beanland

Quest Giver: Historian in the Archives

Problem: A valuable tome containing the history of Beanland is missing.

Solution: Embark on an expedition to recover the tome from the depths of the Royal Catacombs.

Reward: Exclusive Knowledge, 150 Gold Coins, 15 Experience Points

Objective: Locate and retrieve the Lost Tome in the Royal Catacombs

The Ancient Artifact

Quest Giver: Explorer in the Adventurer’s Guild

Problem: Rumors of a powerful artifact hidden in the nearby ruins have reached the ears of adventurers.

Solution: Explore the ancient ruins, solve puzzles, and uncover the secret of the artifact.

Reward: Unique Weapon or Armor, 200 Gold Coins, 20 Experience Points

Objective: Solve Ancient Ruins Puzzles (x3), Defeat Ancient Guardian

The Forgotten Temple

Quest Giver: Priestess in the Temple of Light

Problem: A forgotten temple, said to hold divine treasures, has been rediscovered.

Solution: Enter the temple, overcome its challenges, and claim the blessings it bestows.

Reward: Divine Blessing or Artifact, 175 Gold Coins, 18 Experience Points

Objective: Traverse the Forgotten Temple, Solve Divine Riddles (x2)

Tables for Side Quest Summaries

Side Quest Objective Reward
Aid the Lost Travelers Guide lost travelers to safety 100 Gold Coins, 5 Experience Points
The Potion Master’s Apprentice Collect rare ingredients for the Potion Master Exclusive Potion Recipe, 50 Gold Coins, 10 Experience Points
The Innkeeper’s Dilemma Retrieve ale from goblins Free Room and Board, 75 Gold Coins, 10 Experience Points
Orcish Incursion Defeat invading orcs 150 Gold Coins, 15 Experience Points, Orcish Battleaxe
Goblin Menace Exterminate goblin nests and leader 100 Gold Coins, 10 Experience Points, Goblin Pendant
The Shadow of the Lich Defeat the resurrected lich Epic Loot, 200 Gold Coins, 20 Experience Points
The Lost Tome of Beanland Recover the lost tome from the Royal Catacombs Exclusive Knowledge, 150 Gold Coins, 15 Experience Points
The Ancient Artifact Uncover the secret of the ancient artifact Unique Weapon or Armor, 200 Gold Coins, 20 Experience Points
The Forgotten Temple Claim the blessings of the forgotten temple Divine Blessing or Artifact, 175 Gold Coins, 18 Experience Points

Strategies for Completing Side Quests

  • Prioritize Quest Objectives: Read the quest descriptions carefully and focus on completing the objectives given.
  • Explore Thoroughly: Search every nook and cranny of the quest areas to find hidden items and clues.
  • Utilize Abilities: Use your character’s abilities effectively to overcome challenges and defeat enemies.
  • Seek Assistance: If you encounter difficulties, don’t hesitate to ask for help from other players or seek guidance from the game’s community.

Why Side Quests Matter

Side quests offer numerous benefits that enhance your gaming experience:

  • Enhanced Character Development: Completing side quests provides valuable experience points, allowing you to level up your character and develop their skills and abilities.
  • Exclusive Rewards: Side quests reward players with unique items, weapons, and armor that are not available through main quests.
  • Unveiling Hidden Lore: Side quests delve into the world’s lore, revealing hidden story elements and character backgrounds.
  • Additional Challenges: Side quests offer a range of challenges, from puzzles to combat encounters, adding variety to the gameplay.
  • Exploration Opportunities: Side quests encourage exploration of the game’s expansive world, revealing new areas and unlocking hidden secrets.


Embarking on the side quests of Bean Bean Castle Town is essential for maximizing your gaming experience. By aiding the townsfolk, defending the realm, and uncovering its secrets, you will earn valuable rewards, enhance your character, and immerse yourself more deeply in the game’s enchanting world. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer to the series, these side quests offer endless hours of captivating gameplay and unforgettable experiences.

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