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In the vast and immersive world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, gods play a pivotal role in shaping the beliefs, customs, and folklore of its inhabitants. From the benevolent Goddess Melitele to the enigmatic Lilith, these celestial beings wield immense power and influence over the lives of mortals. Understanding their nature, attributes, and worship practices enhances the depth of the Witcher experience, allowing players to fully appreciate the rich tapestry of human and divine interaction woven into the game.

Major Gods of the Witcher World


Melitele, also known as “The Mother of the World,” is the central deity in the Witcher universe. She is associated with fertility, healing, and protection. Worshipped throughout the Northern Kingdoms, Melitele’s teachings emphasize compassion, empathy, and the sanctity of life.

all god witcher 3

All Gods of Witcher 3: A Comprehensive Guide


Lilit, the enigmatic “Black Rose,” is a goddess of chaos, darkness, and rebellion. Her symbol is the iconic black rose, and her followers often engage in rituals involving self-mutilation and sacrifice. Lilit represents the primal forces of nature and challenges the established order.


Morrigan, the “Lady of Battles,” is a Celtic goddess associated with war, fate, and prophecy. Her followers seek guidance in times of conflict and honor her through rites of divination and combat prowess. Morrigan embodies the fierce spirit of the warrior and the unpredictability of destiny.


Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, originates from Norse mythology. Worshipped by both humans and elves, Freya possesses a commanding presence and grants blessings upon those who seek her favor in matters of the heart.


Other Notable Gods

In addition to the major deities, numerous other gods play significant roles in Witcher lore:

  • Crevan Espane aep Caomhan Mach: Patron god of merchants and travelers
  • Erland: God of time
  • Geazev: God of mountains
  • Geb: God of the earth
  • Isgra: God of the forest

Worship Practices and Religious Rituals

Crevan Espane aep Caomhan Mach:

The worship of gods in the Witcher world takes various forms, reflecting the beliefs and customs of different cultures:

  • Temples and Shrines: Dedicated structures honor specific deities, providing sanctuary and a place for prayer.
  • Sacrifices: Offerings of food, animals, or even human life are made to appease the gods or seek their favor.
  • Prayers and Incantations: Words spoken to invoke the presence or blessings of the gods.
  • Rites and Ceremonies: Formal practices that celebrate deities and serve as expressions of devotion.

Benefits and Impact of Divine Intervention

Prayers to the gods can have a tangible impact on the game world, providing benefits such as:

  • Blessings: Enhancements to attributes or skills
  • Protection: Shielding from harm or curses
  • Healing: Cures for illnesses or injuries
  • Guidance: Vision or revelations to aid decision-making

Religious Conflict and Persecution

Despite the widespread belief in deities, religious conflicts and persecution occur in the Witcher world:

  • Witch Hunts: People accused of witchcraft or heresy are often targeted by fearful or superstitious communities.
  • Religious Wars: Rivaling factions clash over theological differences, vying for dominance and influence.
  • Imperial Suppression: The Nilfgaardian Empire has a history of suppressing local religions in conquered territories.

Tips and Tricks

  • Explore Shrines and Temples: Discover hidden lore, side quests, and potential rewards associated with specific deities.
  • Pray for Blessings: Before engaging in major battles or embarking on dangerous quests, consider seeking divine assistance.
  • Respect Religious Customs: Familiarize yourself with local beliefs and avoid actions that may offend followers.
  • Seek Guidance from Religious Leaders: Priests and priestesses can provide insights into the nature of gods and their worship practices.


The gods of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are a diverse and influential aspect of the game universe. Understanding their nature, worship practices, and impact on the lives of mortals enriches the Witcher experience and provides a deeper level of immersion. Whether players choose to embrace their faith, question their beliefs, or explore the conflicts that arise in the name of religion, the gods of the Witcher world offer a transformative and unforgettable storytelling element.


Table 1: Major Gods of the Witcher World

Name Domain Symbol
Melitele Fertility, healing, protection Dove
Lilit Chaos, darkness, rebellion Black rose
Morrigan War, fate, prophecy Raven
Freya Love, beauty, fertility Falcon

Table 2: Worship Practices

Type Purpose
Temples and Shrines Sanctuary, prayer
Sacrifices To appease or favor gods
Prayers and Incantations To invoke deities
Rites and Ceremonies Formal expressions of devotion

Table 3: Benefits of Divine Intervention

Type Benefit
Blessings Attribute or skill enhancements
Protection Shielding from harm
Healing Curing illnesses or injuries
Guidance Visions or revelations

Table 4: Religious Conflict and Persecution

Type Description
Witch Hunts Targeting of alleged witches or heretics
Religious Wars Clashes over theological differences
Imperial Suppression Suppression of local religions by conquering empires

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